What is Deep Refuge?
Deep Refuge is a sanctuary. In every sense of the word: sacred, safe, rest, protection. A place to be still, knowing outside forces cannot infiltrate, cannot harm. Deep Refuge is a cathedral of trees where peace is a basic right, not a privilege to be earned. Calm belongs to all, not just the select few who happen to be on the fortunate side of opportunities and random chance. Deep Refuge marks the place where constant striving falls away. Whatever your imperfections, you have the inherent right to safety, peace and belonging. Right here, right now. Deep Refuge is a solid surface, a steady ground to stand on. Body and nervous system let go, finally regulating to your own rhythm. Breath can flow, easily and without inhibition. No longer on edge, not waiting for the next aggression. Elaborate contrived systems cannot seep in to define you. Deep Refuge is a place where there is only stillness, only quietude to hear yourself, be yourself. Voices of "out there” cannot grasp and claw at you. Noise from the outside can’t even be heard. There is time to hear yourself, begin to ask Important Questions, and spaciousness to not have the answers just yet. Deep Refuge is being just exactly who you are, today – in all your complexity, contradictions, unexplained, unexplainable and uncategorizable ways. No one is waiting to pounce: to take away, change or judge. Who you are just is. Deep Refuge feels like home. You belong here: just as you are.